Friday, January 17, 2020

Motion Graphics Animation Tutorial - How to Make Animation in PowerPoint

Since I was student in university, I always use PowerPoint for make presentation slide for my report and homework. I think with the transition and animation that I add, it make more impressive and entertaining for audience. So today I will show to you how to make animation in PowerPoint with detail explanation.
how to make animation in powerpoint
You can use this tutorial for make animation for make video cartoon or make tour presentation more interesting. Please read carefully and follow it. Now, let's start !.
Before we start, as you know that PowerPoint is a software used by many people for make presentation, giving and provide information to viewer.
Step 1: Open the Microsoft PowerPoint, go to insert menu > shapes > rectangle. Then click mouse and drag to draw it.
Change color of this rectangle.
Step 2: Duplicate (copy) this rectangle.
Step 3: Add triangle and background, choose send to back and resize it.
Step 4: add a bicycle and resize it.
Step 5: Click bicycle and go to animation tab, choose add animation. Then select the animation you want.
I choose custom path.
Step 7: Draw the path for animation bicycle running.
Step 8: With the background, you do the nearly same step. Choose Left animation
Step 9:  For more beautiful presentation, I will go to insert menu> shapes > rectangle. The purpose of this action is draw a center line street.
Resize the rectangle and choose white color and no shape outline. Then select the rectangle and duplicate to many part. Preview it, and you should keep timing short.
With the attractive animation powerpoint template, you will receive more benefit you don't know. As you can see, in this tutorial I just use the simple transition effect and have the good animation. You can change the timing if  you want. This idea can be used on variety of topics. And you can tweak PowerPoint to produce a powerful animation for an engaging classroom or audience.For more detail, please see this video:

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