First, right click choose new slide.
Then go to Insert menu > shapes > rectangle.
Draw a rectangle, then press Ctrl + D to duplicate rectangle about 3 times.
Then change color of each rectangle, remove shape outline.Go to Insert > Shapes > Oval Shape: Draw a elips shape, rotate it.
Hold Ctrl button, select Elip and rectangle. Go to Format > Merge shape > Intersect.
Change color and duplicate this oval shape.
Go to Insert > shapes > Rectangle.
Hold Ctrl, select rectangle and elip shapes: Format > Merge shapes > Subtract.
Insert a rectangle like this picture below:
Go to Insert > Merge shapes > Circle: Draw a circle.
Select this circle, then duplicate it. Adjust to middle and center of gray rectangle.
Then add a spline, and draw a shape like this. If you want edit point, right click > edit point.
Add a rectangle and trim the elip shape.
Then change color for white rectangle. Choose this rectangle, and choose fill color by gradient.
Now, we go to Insert > Pictures: Select the picture you want to use.
And last step: Go to Insert > Text box: Insert text and title.
If you want to see more detail how to do this brochure in PowerPoint, you can see this video here: